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Joomla Templates

Joomla templates are basically ready-made designs for websites running on Joomla CMS. A Joomla template package contains files and code and graphics, 和模块,决定网站的外观和功能后,你已经安装了主题,并与您的内容填充它.

Please welcome the Joomla templates from Templateog体育首页 - so beautiful and dynamic, all at your service! In this section, we've gathered our complete collection of them, 包括为不同Joomla版本制作的主题,以及使用各种技术(如Flash或jQuery)制作的模板, for example, you all seem to really love these extra features).

With every Joomla template that you buy from us, 您可以从我们的团队获得高级设计和免费支持服务(以防某些原因出现问题)。. 从我们收集的Joomla模板中挑选合适的项目并不难——因为我们有各种各样的模板, you will have no problem finding the right design for any kind of business you can think of! Browse them right now!

If you still find working with a template a little challenging for you, you could, at the simplest level, just download a Free Joomla 3 Template and see how to do something with it. Maybe how to install it, how to customize the design. 然后你就会用这种产品做得更好,事实上,它非常简单.

Key Features

Responsive Nature

Why is responsive design so awesome? 因为它在所有设备上都提供了卓越的体验,无论它们支持什么分辨率. Users can feast their eyes upon your wonderful website at any display size. Slider and all site components are made fully responsive to provide perfect UX.

Additional Extensions

Image Swoop slider, carousels, tabs, an advanced Newsflash module, Google Map plugin, social sharing buttons, 和计数器-你会得到一切你需要创建一个功能丰富的网站.

Advanced Navigation

你可以有一个响应菜单,无限的多级下拉菜单,以提高网站的可用性. Also, there is an ability to select from various dropdown animations available.

Advanced Commenting System

Joomla 3 themes are provided with Komento, a full-featured commenting system that comes with voting and rating options.

Vast Amount of Module Positions

Joomla主题包含14个模块位置行,允许您在页面上拥有超过80个模块位置. Arrange your module the way you need. Create any layout you want.

Animated Portfolio with Filters

The filter option for the portfolio allows the customers to apply filters by category. There are also various CSS3 hover animation effects included in your portfolio.

Installation at Ease

模板随完整包安装归档一起交付,该归档将安装过程简化为几个简单步骤. 所有模块和附加扩展都捆绑在一起,只需点击几下即可安装.

Custom Page Types

There are two custom page types added to the framework: Gallery View and Category Blog. 通过在菜单管理器中选择适当的页面类型,您可以轻松地创建图库和博客布局. Layouts can be changed without affecting other Joomla pages.

Select a Domain Name

在为你的在线资源考虑域名时,记住它必须简洁明了. 此外,使其可识别和信息丰富,因为它影响SEO和服务品牌的目的. Most often, you can simply buy the domain name from the hosting provider.

Select the Joomla Hosting Provider

Selecting the right web host is another step on your way to online success. 一定要选择有合理定价政策和高质量24/7技术支持的虚拟主机提供商. Also, pay attention to the uptime and page load speed rates, for they influence the performance of your website.

Once you've purchased a Joomla template at Templateog体育首页.com, you can also use our offer and get one year of BlueHost with unlimited bandwidth and 50 Gb disk space for $35,4 only.

Download Latest Joomla and Install it

To ensure the proper functioning of your web resource, download the latest Joomla 3.6.5 version from the official website. If you have questions regarding the Joomla installation, you may look up the Joomla documentation. In case you need help, Templateog体育首页的模板调整团队将协助您进行软件安装和设置-在购买Joomla模板时检查其他优惠.

Purchase Joomla Template

As soon as Joomla is installed on the web hosting service, it's time to opt for the appropriate theme from the collection of our Joomla templates.

如果您正在寻找特定Joomla版本的模板,您可以查看我们的Joomla 3.2.0 - 3.6.x themes as well as older Joomla 3.0.x - 3.3.x themes.

Extra Offers with Every Joomla Template

Ready-To-Use Website -我们的TM Studio团队将对选定的模板进行微调,使其成为只需299美元即可使用的网站. Besides, one month of special facilitation is included.

Installation - to save your time and effort, you can order template installation by our Service Center. Once you provide the access details to your web hosting server, the installation will be completed within 3 hours.

Adding your logo -一旦您提供完整的访问信息,我们的服务中心将在12小时内将客户的徽标添加到模板中.

Changing color scheme -我们的服务中心将在提供完整的访问详细信息后24小时内更改模板的配色方案为您喜欢的配色方案.

Multilanguage Pack 我们的服务中心将在您的Joomla模板中安装包含所有所需语言的多语言包. This also includes the language switcher and the multilanguage plugin installation.

Speed Booster -我们的TM工作室团队将优化和加快您的网站,以提高转化率,并帮助您获得良好的搜索引擎排名.

SEO Audit - our TM Studio team will help you make your website visible in search engines. SEO审计将提供关于如何在您的资源上实施优化建议的分析和指导.

Prime SEO Pack -我们的TM Studio团队将帮助您利用社交网络提高网站流量和销售额.

BlueHost -获得一年的BlueHost托管服务,无限带宽和50gb磁盘空间,以及其他优惠.

Hackers and Spam Protection Pack -我们的服务中心将使用Templateog体育首页专家建议的许多专业工具来改善您网站的默认保护.

Joomla Modules

Joomla has a number of modules - versatile extensions used to modify web pages. Basically, Joomla模块是从网站数据库或Joomla组件获取数据的编程代码. 可以将所需的模块放置到Joomla主题中的任何预定义模块位置. Take a look at the most used modules you can try:

Articles - Newsflash module is an amplified version of the default Joomla Articles Newsflash module. Apart from the standard module features, it has extra configuration possibilities and Bootstrap-based module templates.

Articles - Single module is geared to place a single article into the needed position.

Bootstrap Collapse module allows showing a set number of Articles from a particular Category or selecting Categories. It's more advanced compared to the default Articles - Newsflash module. It has basic styles and supports collapsible components like accordions and navigation.

Bootstrap Tabs module 在选项卡布局中显示特定类别或类别选择中的一组文章.

TM Ajax Contact Form is a contact form module for the Joomla engine. It helps to add a contact form on any Joomla page. AJAX requests facilitate data transfer, so the page is not getting reloaded.

Komento module is a Joomla component allowing you to add comments to Joomla articles.

Joomla Templates Extensive Documentation

Templateog体育首页为Joomla模板提供了广泛的文档—任何您需要知道的关于如何安装的内容, customize and update is covered in Joomla Quick Start Guide with even more tricky details in the Joomla tutorials section.

If you already have a Joomla 3.x template, you can figure out how to set up a default Joomla page and find out how to change the footer copyright message. Also, if you want to switch a language of your template, learn how to configure a multilanguage site based on Joomla 3.x.

Find out how to move your site from localhost to live host. 如果您已经在本地机器上安装并测试了Joomla模板,本教程将会很有帮助, configured it according to your needs, and want to transfer your website to the live host.

More on Joomla Templates

Why do you need our Joomla templates? We can name at least three striking reasons to get them at Templateog体育首页!

  • The ultimate collection! Here you will find over 700 Joomla templates of premium quality. We produce New Joomla themes daily.
  • Stock Photos 你在这里看到的模板预览中包含的内容是你可以保留的——只要它们在基于模板的网站内. That means you won't have to spend money to get relevant stock photos for your website.
  • Professional Support! You get 24/7 free support via Live chat, phone support, or tickets system. Besides, we offer a good archive of free tutorials and help info.

All Joomla themes are arranged into subcategories:

Joomla 3.0-3.3.x Templates

Joomla 2.5.0 - 2.5.x Templates

Virtuemart Templates

What is Joomla! CMS?

Joomla! CMS is a free, 开源内容管理系统,通过简单实用的界面管理网站内容. 这意味着您不需要任何特殊的编码技能来根据我们的Joomla主题定制您的网站. As you know, Joomla! CMS platform has similar features with the Mambo CMS (Joomla! is a variation of Mambo, but Joomla Themes are not compatible with Mambo). Joomla! is licensed under the GNU General Public License.

The Joomla! 名称在美国和其他国家的开源事务有限许可下使用. Templateog体育首页.com is not affiliated with or endorsed by Open Source Matters or the Joomla! Project.

Best Premium Joomla Themes Related Video

For over 20 years, we have been designing top-quality templates. Wegy theme 是我们的客户推荐并在他们的项目中多次使用的畅销书之一吗. 它提供了许多专业的功能,可以改善网站的功能,并在最短的时间内提高转化率. Please, check more details in the video.

Premium Joomla Themes FAQ

Can I resell your best Premium Joomla Themes?

Reselling the templates is forbidden by the license that we provide. You can download the product, edit the design, add other content and sell it as a ready project to your client. If you want to resell our designs, we have a special Affiliate Program. It means that you can earn money with Templateog体育首页.

Should I pay every month for the best Joomla Themes?

No, it's a one-time fee, with all taxes included. We provide lifetime usage licenses. There are no usage time limitations or additional charges. You may use the template as long as you need. You get a download link via email and to your account.

What does OpenSource Matters mean?

It's an organization supporting Joomla! Project. It's created to serve the financial and legal interests of the Joomla project. We sell our themes under a limited license granted by open source.

How to select the best Premium Joomla Themes to match my requirement?

We have a lot of filters that you may see on the left sidebar. The first one is Topic. It includes Business & Services, Fashion & Beauty, Sports, Outdoors & Travel, Design & Photography, Cars & Motorcycles, Medical and more. The next useful filter is by color. If you have a ready logo with an existing style, it's possible to check only yellow themes, for example. One more is price. In case you have a limited budget, you may use this filter to check the cheapest ones.

Which hosting provider should I use for Joomla Themes?

You can go with your hosting provider, but every Joomla template has its requirements. We recommend using hosting that our partners provide. Please, check Recommended Hosting to ensure that it will be suitable for your themes.